August 01, 2018
Cefinn Sirens - Willow Crossley

Willow Crossley is one of the UK’s leading floral and interior stylists renowned for creating wild and whimsical arrangements full of colour and pattern. From her beautiful garden workroom, she works closely with private and corporate clients, fashion brands, weddings and everything in between. Willow lives in Oxfordshire with her husband Chaz and their three boys, Wolf, Rafferty and Kit.
When and where were you happiest?
Summer holidays with my family on Tresco in the Scilly Isles.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I'd like to be able to do nothing without feeling guilty.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My babies- sometimes I look at them and feel I could burst with pride.
What is it that you most dislike?
What is your motto?
You only live once.
If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose? Dinosaurs, but just the friendly ones- the boys would love it.

What is your most unappealing habit?
Probably the fact that I can't sit still.
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?
I love this game but can never decide! Will Ferrel and Michael Macintyre, my brothers, Chaz, Constance Spry, Michelle Obama, James Corden, Nigella, Elvis Presley, Cameron Diaz and Lewis Litt.
How do you relax?
Beach-combing is my ultimate relaxation and longwalks.
What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
A chauffeur and chef rolled into one.
What is the worst job you’ve done?
Working for a gift company and being sent to wrap 912 christmas presents for a customer.
If you could go back in time, where would you go?
Straight back to the 1970’s- purely for the paisley and the flares.

Make Up: Polly Morton